
  1. Why

    1. Why指的是为什么要读这本书,读这本书的目的是什么?带着问题去读书是主动性阅读。被动阅读相反,基本上就是纯灌输式的阅读,这样的阅读效率极低也很难把握重点。
  2. Who

    1. 这本书是谁写的,如果说是人物传记,那么主要写了哪些人物?通过观察书的作者和或者人物传记的主角,可以很好的把握人物关系链,从关系链中能够挖掘出更多自己想要的信息。
  3. What

    1. 这本书讲了什么,每次读完一个章节,列出一下这一章的相关重点,梳理一下知识脉络和逻辑关系。
  4. How

    1. How it works; 想一下书中描述的一系列事物是如何工作的。比如描述了一系列事件,揪出其中的因果链,如果是技术类书籍,是否依托底层技术,是如何工作的。进行细节分析。
  5. Think

    1. 读完这本书的思考是什么,如果说是技术 or 框架类书籍,要尝试进行比对:why design;读完这本书,是否同意作者观点,如果不同意,尝试使用[[5why分析法]]进行分析。
  6. Todo

    1. 行动;如果说是一些方法论 or 技术书籍,可以列一个todolist清单,learning by doing;其他类型的书籍可以整理一下沉淀文档或者读后感;一些琐碎的需要记忆的key points可以整理成anki卡片进行review。

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但是也是存在着类似you don't know what you don't know的问题,仅供参考


An example of a problem is: the vehicle will not start.

  1. _Why?_ – The battery is dead.
  2. _Why?_ – The alternator "Alternator (automotive)") is not functioning.
  3. _Why?_ – The alternator belt "Belt (mechanical)") has broken.
  4. _Why?_ – The alternator belt was well beyond its useful service life and not replaced.
  5. _Why?_ – The vehicle was not maintained according to the recommended service schedule (a root cause).

Some Criticismes

  • Tendency for investigators to stop at symptoms rather than going on to lower-level root causes.
  • Inability to go beyond the investigator's current knowledge – the investigator cannot find causes that they do not already know.
  • Lack of support to help the investigator provide the right answer to "why" questions.
  • Results are not repeatable – different people using five whys come up with different causes for the same problem.
  • Tendency to isolate a single root cause, whereas each question could elicit many different root causes.

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